so, what's my deal?
my name is bella baldoni
I've been a writer ever since I was old enough to hold a crayon---as young as three years old, I was publishing Baldoni family bestsellers such as Cat On The Hat (definitely a Cat In The Hat ripoff, but I had a very clear vision). I've become a better writer than my early oeuvre would suggest, and my eternal quest to craft the perfect narrative has morphed into a passion for to strategic planning.
(but you knew that already)

I graduated from the University of Connecticut in December 2019 with a 3.85 and a B.S in Marketing, with a concentration in Digital Marketing and Analytics and a minor in Communications.
I was a resident assistant for three years in what was (arguably) the worst dorm on campus, and have a ton of wild stories to tell.

Fo​r a good part of my youth I was enamored with the idea of becoming a pastry chef, but I quickly realized that the professional kitchen was not the place for me (I'm way too clumsy to be around knives all day). Even so, I have a passion for creating beautiful little treats and forcing my friends to eat them.
Since I've been in quarantine, I've been trying to up my pastry game--I bought a textbook from the Culinary Institute of America and have been steadily baking my way through it.

Tiger King, anyone? Carol Baskin aside, I've always loved documentaries--as a strategist who stockpiles universal truths, I've found documentaries to be a limitless well of them. My current favorite is Knock Down the House.
I've also tried my hand at making a short documentary on women's health--check it out here.
Tiger King, anyone? Carol Baskin aside, I've always loved documentaries--as a strategist who stockpiles universal truths, I've found documentaries to be a limitless well of them. My current favorite is Knock Down the House.
I've also tried my hand at making a short documentary on women's health--check it out here.

80s music
I'm an 80s music fiend--if it has synth, I'm interested. I wrote a lot of fanfiction about rock bands when I was in middle school, but I really prefer just listening to it now. And dressing up as Freddie Mercury at least once every Halloween.