strategist, overthinker
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my work
international centre for missing and exploited children

The International Centre for Missing and Exploited Children is a global nonprofit dedicated to stopping child trafficking, and I was given the opportunity to revamp their International Missing Children's Day campaign as part of Camp ADventure.
The original campaign leveraged relationships with hundreds of global soccer teams, so to amplify that tradition, we conducted tons of research to uncover what makes soccer fans tick.
We quickly learned how passionate the global soccer community is, and realized how, while they might be watching from the sidelines, fans consider themselves to be part of the team. To galvanize this passionate audience for our cause, we decided to prove that while it takes a village to raise a child, it keeps a (soccer) team to keep them safe.
Our team won first place in our category, as well as the Best in Class Strategy & Best in Class Creative Executions awards.
ST: Khalied Bashri & Jefferson Beard
CW: Kevin Pellicone
AD: Brian Chau GD: Logan Cooper
tiktok for career coaches
Social Media Strategy
I've been getting virtual coffee with as many adworld people as I can during quarantine, and in exchange for the knowledge invaluable advice they share with me, I try to find ways to lend them a hand while putting my strat skills to use.
During one of my conversations with a brand strategist turned career coach, we started talking about how career consultants are using social media--TikTok especially--to grow their brands. She was thinking about expanding her social media presence, but wasn't quite sure how to go about it. As someone who spends a fair amount of time on TikTok, I had a deck's worth of thoughts to share on the subject.
To put together a landscape overview and social media strategy, I talked to other job hunters who go to TikTok for career advice, identified their go-to sources + pain points, and watched too many dance challenge videos.
arthur murray
dance studios
Arthur Murray is the largest ballroom dance company in the US, but their most lucrative audience--engaged couples looking to take lessons before their first dance--has been steadily shrinking.
By doing a deep-dive into the wedding industry, we realized that while 92% of couples have a first dance, most couples consider preparatory lessons to be a frivolous strain on their already tight budgets.
To reestablish dance lessons as an item on couples' wedding planning checklists, we developed a partnership strategy between AM and other local wedding vendors who are already considered to be event essential--such as florists and DJs.
Our team was tasked with finding ways to promote the launch of ms.FLASH, a menopause tracking app, without resorting to tired stereotypes of middle-aged women. ​
Our team conducted dozens of intercept interviews with women wherever we could find them--laundromats, SuperCuts, the pet food aisle of Big Lots--to find out how they really felt about menopause. We learned that they were excited for the freedoms of midlife (no more kids in the house!) but the stigma around menopause made them feel old and unsexy.
Using our findings, we developed a brand strategy for ms.FLASH that shows women that menopause is the end of their periods--not their lives. ​
man your mind
During my 10 weeks at the Ad Council, my intern cohort was tasked with developing a full public service campaign on any topic. We chose one that's risen to the forefront of national conversation--the male mental health crisis.
We learned that the idealized vision of a masculine brotherhood doesn't really exist--in reality, modern manhood comes with a lot of loneliness. This loneliness makes mental health issues both more severe and more difficult to talk about.
We created a 360° campaign that aimed to promote healthy masculinity and positive help-seeking behaviors. As the digital intern, I developed the complete digital strategy for the project as well as its visual identity, and designed a website and suite of digital tools to help men start conversations around mental health.*
*I literally have no clue where I put the deck for this project, but I swear it exists somewhere

autism speaks
Autism Speaks is an organization that has frequently come under fire for its insensitive portrayal and treatment of those with Autism Spectrum Disorder. We challenged ourselves to develop some spec work for Autism Speaks that would address the autistic community's frustrations with the 2015 PSA "The World of Autism."
We conducted interviews and surveys of over 80 individuals in the ASD community, and found that they overwhelmingly disapproved of Autism Speaks. Their main point of frustration was that Autism Speaks treated autism like a scary disease that needed to be cured, when it's simply a neurodivergency that should be accepted.
Based on our research, we developed an uplifting PSA that aims to inspire the ASD community to be proud of their diagnosis.